Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And Into Libra…


Anyone acquainted with the Zodiac? No, not the killer. I’m talking about Astrology, the study of the stars. Yes, I study astrology in my spare time. I like to think that the positioning of the stars do play a role in how we are, but only to a certain point. Who we are is up to us, not our genes or parents, but us. The reason why this week’s blog is called “Into Libra” is because starting September 23rd, we will be entering the house of Libra, the seventh zodiac sign.

I have a couple of announcements relating to the paranormal society, I urge you to join, the Saints of Fenix Paranormal Society. I’m currently editing the content in the handbook for the group, and soon it will be distributed to its current members; after that, it’ll just be a short time before you may be able to join! Wouldn’t that be great? Working in your favorite author’s paranormal group?

The website has been finished, and it is 98% complete. There will be a couple of announcements some time this week, and that would be about it. When it comes to the applications to the public, they will not be released until the handbook has been approved by the senior members.

What about Feather Spade?

Still nothing, I am sending some more letters as October kicks into the calendar. I am doing everything I can with the little spare time I have, to promote the book and try to sell it to editors and agents. You have to remember that publishing is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process that takes a long time. How long? I don’t know, might be month, days, years… trust me, I’m not thrilled about it either.

As I wait for an agent to contact me, I’m starting an unforeseen project! Yes, I’m just as surprised as you are. I’ll keep you posted on that one as well.

I would like to hear from you all more often, please don’t be shy about sending in messages, whether they are comments here or just comments you paste on to the Official James Fenix Fan Page on facebook. I would like to hear from YOU and what you want me to discuss, later in this blog. Remember that this is where you come to get my perspective on things, well I want to give you my perspective on things you are interested in.

Until next week, I’m James Fenix, your author, remember to tell your friends about this blog and also click “Like” on the Official James Fenix Fan Page! (Yes, I’m still working on the website ;D).

Until next week!

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